Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday from 12:00-8:00pm:
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers
NORTHWEST MUSTANGS Parents, The Pettis County Health Department will be coming to our schools on Wed, Oct 27th to administer flu vaccines to those staff and students who want one. They will be at the High School first thing in the morning and then go to the Elementary after they have finished with the High School. There is a form for the students who will be receiving the flu vaccine. On the form, there is a place to put the insurance or what medical coverage the student has. This will cover the cost of the vaccine. Please fill out the form for those students who will be getting the vaccine. If you need a form to fill out, let the school know and a form can be sent home with your student or emailed to you. If you have any concerns, questions, or need any help, you can contact the school nurse, Nurse Nancy at 660-568-3315.
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
We are excited and want to recognize our long tradition of academics here at Northwest JH/SH through a new Academic Trophy case. It will be located in the cafeteria for all to see. We are extremely proud of the dedication and perseverance that our students avail in striving for high academic achievement. We will recognize 30+ ACT composite or subject test, 4.0 Graduation GPA, Academic Team awards, Math Team awards, conference rankings per MAP or EOC classes and a place for Honor Roll, this so students and family members that come to the games and are with a little sister, brother, cousin or friend can brag on themselves or parents can brag on them for being on the Honor Roll in a trophy case. Getting children thinking and talking about thinking and academics. It is awesome! Coming to a café near you.
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Academic Excellence
KinderStart pumpkin activity night - thank you, Mrs. Carroll, for hosting this fun event for our pre-k students and families!
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Mark your calendars! Come out and support our seniors and eat a delicious meal!
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Due to a shortage of bus drivers to bring the visiting team, next Tuesday's volleyball games against LaMonte will start at 5:30pm. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
NWES Mustang Spirit Winners: Madalyn, Kinzie, Evan, Piper and Mrs. Reed!
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers
What fun!
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Teacher Spirit
We got spirit, yes we do! We've go spirit, how 'bout you, NWES?
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Students dressed for homecoming
We've got spirit, Yes We Do! We've got 'bout you, NWHS?
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Homecoming festivities are under way...
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
students dressed patriotic
Tonight's volleyball games (JV and Varsity) at Sacred Heart have been moved to 5:30pm due to the cancellation of the JH game.
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Our Elementary Student of the Week! 🏆
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Congratulations to the Mustangs on the big win tonight! 🏈
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers
Homecoming 2021 Travel Back Home TUESDAY: Touring the USA ( Wear patriotic colors) WEDNESDAY: Flying to South America ( Wear Tacky Tourist/ Tropical Clothing) THURSDAY: Off to Madagascar ( Wear Animal Print or Pj's) FRIDAY: Travel back Home (School Spirit Attire) There will be a parade and pep assembly on Friday, October 8th
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Bus routes 2 & 3 will continue as they were today (Friday) until further notice. As soon as Apple Bus can hire another driver we can return to old routes. Again, if anyone has any interest in driving a bus please contact the school and we will make sure that the bus company has your information.
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
This afternoon and tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, bus route #3 will be approximately 20 minutes late. Tomorrow morning route #2 will be the early route like it was to start the school year. If anyone is at all interested in driving a bus (even part-time or just mornings or just afternoons) please contact David Sanders at or call the school. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Please access the survey below to share your thoughts with the school. Your feedback is important to help us communicate effectively and improve the education of all of our students.
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Northwest High School has an opening for a Junior High Boys' Basketball coach for this fall. We really need an adult to work with our boys to help them learn and allow them to be part of a team. Please contact the school at 660-827-0774 if you are interested.
over 2 years ago, Pettis Co R-V
Super proud of these students!
over 2 years ago, Kelly Weathers